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Meet the Characters

Main Characters



Shocked that his long-lost and deceased, sister was somehow alive, David agrees to go with her to an otherworldly town called Blackwater. He was convinced by her that Blackwater's mayor was not to be trusted, however after meeting the mayor herself he believes otherwise. Unambitious and disappointed about his old life, especially of his smoking habits, David's wishes to start a better life within Blackwater.


Alison is the sister to David and the leader of the Oilers. Her death had been prevented by Ginger who willingly brought the young girl to Blackwater. Alison did not take kindly to being taken away from her parents and her brother and unwillingly left the town with her newfound guardian, Samoa. Unsatisfied with her new life in the UK, she seeks to meet up with her brother who turned out alive and she made it her goal to save the Oilers from their internment within Blackwater. However, her fears and major depressive state inhibit her from achieving her goal.



Ginger is a flirtacious and extroverted heartthrob and mayor to Blackwater. She has taken a liking to their new resident, David despite his confusion. Adored by all of her residents but hated by the rebellion group, the Oilers, she has a lot of people she wouldn't want to disappoint.

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